Sundays are always made better by visiting the most lavish of brunches put together by the Cooperage Inn's skilled chef, Jonathan Perkins. As the name suggests, this must be one of the most cuisine-appropriate venues, sitting right in the middle of Long Island's famed wine region. Promising to incorporate the local produce, the freshest meat and freshly caught fish, the menu offers healthy alternatives with uniquely combined herbs and spices.
The feast begins with a complimentary mimosa made with freshly squeezed orange juice or a Bloody Mary. The biggest question is: how to begin the attack on the small room filled with overflowing tables of every conceivable culinary option. Somehow the traditional sequence of breakfast, then lunch and dinner followed by dessert seems to fit.
An omelet chef fills his pans with tempting ingredients and offers up hot, fresh, light and flavorful custom-made portions. The guest is left wondering how this, along with the other eight hot chaffing dishes and carving table meat offerings, can all be tasted. Warm muffins, and a dessert bar rivaling any catered wedding, beckon the brunchers to try to save room. Although at times the whole experience feels chaotic, somehow experience wins over and the hot food is always hot and the cold is kept at the perfect temperature. Serving plates are carefully and smoothly refilled, as the rhythm of the satiating experience resembles a tasteful dance.
Indeed, the table service is prompt and accurate and the hoards of patrons are professionally managed, leaving a smile on every face as the orderly seating, feeding and exiting of party after party takes place without a hitch.
All and all, there is nothing that can compare to a Sunday shared with good friends and family at the ever popular and constantly growing and innovative venue of the Cooperage Inn.
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